germaneness of amendment, rules on when questioned54 (2)
joint survey committee, may refer proposals
to one or more simultaneously with
referral to standing committee
42 (1)(b), 45 (4)
member designated by presiding officer may preside
temporarily4 (3)
messages from other branches of government, receives3m (1)(h)
motions, stated and put by3m (1)(c), 63
order, quiet, and decorum, preserves3m (1)(f), 26 (1)
parliamentary procedure, informs
members on3m (1)(g), 57 (1)(e)
presides over assembly3m (1)(a)
points of order, rules on3m (1)(g), 62 (3), (3m)
advisement, may take under62 (3)(b)
expansion of question permitted69 (4)
time for ruling62 (3m)
proposal, refers to standing committee, special committee,
next calendar, or rules committee
on rules
29 (1), 42, 45, 89 (2)
question for current action, stated by75
quiet, decorum, and order, preserves3m (1)(f), 26 (1)
recognition of members seeking floor, decides
order of (no appeal)56 (2)
rereferral to committee45
respect to26 (2)
roll call vote:
may order on any question3m (1)(d), 76 (3)
required, when, see also Quick Finder
votes and is recorded in78
speaking: member not to cross or leave floor 26 (2)
speaker and speaker pro tempore: election, term of office 1
temporary, elected when speaker, speaker pro tempore,
majority leader, assistant majority leader, and
majority caucus leader are absent
4 (2)
votes and is recorded on all roll call votes 78
announces results of3m (1)(c)
roll call, may order on any question3m (1)(d), 76 (3)
roll call required, when, see also Quick Finder
states question75
Press, radio, and TV representatives admitted to floor of
assembly when engaged in reporting proceedings
25 (3)
Printed documents, consent required to read from 59 (3), 90 (2)
Privilege: assembly, personal, or special 61
Privilege, questions of, see Questions of privilege
Privileged motions and requests (definition) 95 (59)
Privileged motions and requests during debate 65 (1)
Privileged resolution33 (3), 43
request to introduce and ask consideration of,
precedence of65 (1)(i)
to reprimand, censure, or expel a member, procedure 21, 43 (3)
Proposal (definition), see also Assembly resolution, Bill,
Joint resolution, Motion, and Petition
95 (60)
Proposals to be available at least 24 hours before
consideration35 (1)
Proposals, executive action on 24 hours after made public17d
Public health and public safety, committee on
(standing committee)9 (1)(t)
Public hearing, see also Schedule of committee activities:
advance notice14 (2)
announced in schedule of committee activities 14 (2)
definition of "hearing"95 (32)
may be rescheduled for larger room11 (3)
not required for special, extended, or extraordinary
session proposals
93 (3)
reproduced copies of proposal to be available to public 14 (3)
scheduled at discretion of committee chairperson 14 (1)
schedules posted on bulletin boards of assembly 14 (2), 93 (3)
Publication of assembly rules94
Publications of assembly, see also Joint Rules 71 to 7938
Question (definition)95 (61)
Question before assembly conforms to committee
recommendation; exceptions
Question, division of, see Division of the question
Question lost when vote results in tie81
Question on appeal of ruling by presiding officer, how stated62 (6)
Questions, how stated75
Questions of privilege:
assembly privilege explained61 (1)
personal privilege explained61 (2)
precedence limited to immediate consideration 61 (5)
precedence of61 (4)
privileged motions and requests (definition) 95 (59)
special privilege explained61 (3)
under control of presiding officer and assembly 61
when disposed of, assembly resumes business
at point of interruption57 (2), 61 (6)
Questions, requests, and motions in order during debate 57, 65, 66
Quorum; see also Quick Finder:
committee connected by audiovisual transmission 11 (3m)
definition of "quorum"95 (62)
fiscal bills, special quorum, see Joint Rule 11 (2)
necessary for transaction of business30 (2)
pairs, both members considered not present79 (5)
question of, may be raised while member is
57 (1)(d), 66 (1)(b)
Radio, press, and TV representatives admitted to
floor of assembly when engaged in
reporting proceedings
25 (3)
Reading at length, required when proposals, amendments,
or fiscal estimates have not been provided
Recall proposal for further action:
after passage23 (3), 51
from other house73 (8)
committee of the whole, may not8 (7)
definition of "recess"95 (63)
motion to, acted on without debate67